The beamer light pen blp has been developed to focus the energies of aura soma into the body s acupuncture points the twelve meridians the eight extra meridians as well as the etheric body astral body and other subtle energy fields around the body it also combines the studies found in the east the i ching five elements and traditional.
Aura soma beamer light pen.
The aura soma beamer light pen is a leap in light therapy.
The dual colour combination vials which contain the energies of the equilibrium.
Five extensive color courses in metaphysical energy work developed by shanto l.
The aura soma beamer light pen system auracolor light was developed in 2001 by shanto dorecy in collaboration with dr robert abrahamson a chinese medicine acupuncturist.
Chackras meridians acupuncture points and the subtle energy fields around the body.
It has been developed to focus the energies of aura soma into the sensitive areas of the body e g.
Beamer light pen self care set light case pen 8 vials de light beamer werd ontwikkeld om de fijnstoffelijk energieën te stimuleren.
Beamer light pen therapy each individual has their own unique color which shines faintly around the contours of their body.
We would like to show you a description here but the site won t allow us.
Colour and light on the pathways is offered by the aura color light academy llc and will be lead by its co creator shanto l dorcey and those teachers officially authorized by the academy.
Zo kunnen we de aura soma energieën direct in ons fijnstoffelijk energieveld projecteren en deze stimuleren.
I m able to see those colors clearly haruki murakami an exceptional tool for transformation healing and expansion.
Dorcey and robert abrahamson a doctor of chinese medicine and presented by.
De beamer light pen is een fantastisch instrument om vloeibaar licht in ons hele systeem te brengen.
The beamer light pen is utilised in order to illuminate the acupuncture organ and meridian system via the electromagnetic fields of the human aura.
Neste atendimento ampolas contendo os óleos de equilíbrio da aura soma são conectadas a uma lanterna.
O beamer light pen foi desenvolvido para estimular e focar as energias de cor da aura soma nos campos sutis de energia.
As combinações de cores das ampolas que sao versões do frasco equilibrium são inseridas em uma caneta com ponteira de cristal para que as energias contidas nelas possam ser gentilmente irradiadas sobre o corpo.
Cada ampola traz através das cores uma qualidade diferente.
Aura soma s dual colored liquids from the equilibrium bottles containing color plant and crystal.